May 14, 2022, By Chris Peeks
I guess some people do not pay attention. I suppose some need the obvious pointed out. I reckon some people need it beat in their head with a hammer because this is as clear as the nose on your face.
How did his campaign not end right here? Beeker said he would be a friend to Alabama power. Not only that he used Southern company lobbyist Hailey Barbour. And one of their campaign consultants. Yet here he is running for a third term.
Now do not get me wrong. I'm not against Alabama power. In fact, I enjoy electricity. Nor am I against them making a nice profit. The goal however should be to find a happy medium between Alabama power and the ratepayer. Though what I am against is Chip Beeker being friends with Alabama power and not with the Alabama ratepayer. So let's quit being his friend.
Chris Peeks
Reporter and Columnist
Alabama Political Reporter
