By Chris Peeks January 14, 2022

Me and Stan chatted on a variety of topics. We share some of the same historical interest. Stan is a devoutly religious man. He let's his faith guide him. And he isn't afraid of a challenge.
That is an understatement. Stan took on two entrenched incumbents in two prior races challenging Congressman Spencer Bachus and in 2014 taking on then Lt. Gov Kay Ivey. Throwing caution to the wind he set out to tackle two political giants and had a strong showing in both races.
With that type of courage Stan would not back down from Montgomery insiders. To see our full interview click on the link below.
By Chris Peeks
Reporter Alabama Political Contributor
Stan Only showed you the side of him he wanted you to see. Devoutly religious? Perhaps you should ask him about the way he treated the Armstrong family that lives on family property that adjoins the property of the church he ministers. Devoutly religious was never what one thought of with his behavior. And this didn’t happen 20 years ago but rather very recently.